“Pordare” in latgalian means recycling.

It is a small family company in deep countryside of Latvia, which consists of two energetic and creative grown-ups and three just as energetic and creative kids. In the beginning it was just an idea but as the time went on, it became our labor of love. Our dream of living in the countryside, recycling paper, our main jobs (informal education, working with the youth) and the long-lasting hobby of Jānis-screen printing-it all came together and created „Pordare” -our family business.


In the creative house „Leiceiši” where we will make and create new things. We offer you to make your own recycled design paper, screen print a t-shirt, a fabric bag, or make a beeswax cloth. While having lunch, we offer you to take part in our Panini sandwich workshop and choose your own flavors.

We wanted to live closer to nature an do the things that are close to our hearts. It is important for us to have our work match our values because we believe that it will make this world a better place, our actions will be more sustainable and children will be happier.


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